Saturday, March 14, 2020

Toastmasters ..

Ok so welcome to my 3rd blog . This blog is going to be about toastmasters that our class was incharge of. So i was the monitor for one week , and capt. Siva always picks the toastmaster of the evening by seeing who is the monitor .. so i got picked to be the toastmasters of the evening . So all my classmates each had an independent role .

1.Toastmaster of the day 
2.General evaluator
3.Table topic master
4.Table topic evaluator
5.Prepared speech master
6 Grammarian
7.Time keeper
8.Sargent of arms
9.Ah counter

                             ( My classmates )

Soooooo. As I announced the start of toastmasters. It was 2010 hrs . The most people who came was from my class , because we were in  charge for that week. 
The roles given to each person is as goes .

Toastmaster of the day : Mukeshh
General evaluator: Dashini
Table topic master: Wani
Table topic evaluator: Hazim
Prepared speech master: madihah
Grammarian: naqi
Time keeper: Praven
Sargent of arms:Zubair
Ah counter : Shifa'

                  ( Main Lecture hall at 2030 hrs)

The people were slowly pouring in through the back . You see ALAMS Sports Month was going on so many people decided to make that an excuse to not come for toastmasters๐Ÿคฃ and they decided to come late . So we started our toastmasters with table topics sessions . 
So our table topic master wani called upon a random speaker to give a short talk for about 2 minutes about a random quote . 
               (The first speaker for table topics)

He gave a wonderful speech about life.  As you can see in the photo that is  our time keeper praven . So for table topics the lights are as : 

Green light : 1 minutes
Yellow light : 1.30 minutes
Red light: 2 minutes 

   (Main Lecture Hall towards the end of toastmaster)
So as you can see towards  the end of the sempiternal event the theater is almost full ...... well the final event was the prepared speeches . So for this part our prepared speech master madihah called upon the respected speakers from each class to give a speech which they had prepared for in advanced . The light for the prepared speech is as :

Green light: 5 minutes
Yellow light: 6 minutes 
Red light:7 minutes 

                   ( Me and My Sargeant At Arms)

So this is Zubair my Sargeant at arms . He has the most easiest job of them all and that is to shush the audience .... so since its the easiest job I joined him ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ we were doing crazy shenanigans at the back of the crowd . So this selfie was taken moments before I announced the end for toastmasters and before capt.siva gave his speech. Soooo this sums up the toastmasters held by our very own DNS 26 BRAVO. It was a good night and a sempiternal event , thank you.

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