(The rope we used )
Here is a list of the ikatans we learned
Function: buat eye sementara
2.slip bowline
3.running bowline
4.bowline on bight long
5.bowline on bight short
Sambung tali
1.reef knot
2. Sheet bend
3. Double sheet bend
4. Carrick bend
5. Sheep shank
1. Overhand knot
2. Figure of 8
3. Buntline
4. Butterfly
5. Pasdul
1. Clove hitch
2. Anchor hitch
3. Timber hitch
4. Round turn n two half hitch
5. Cow hitch
1. Four point achor
2. Monkey fist
( Me in full PPE)
We were required to wear full PPE during the whole week , for our safety so that no one would get hurt .
The PPE we were required to wear was
2.Safety helmet
3.Safety glasses
3.Safety Boots
These are required to be worn all the time to avoid risk of accidents . Yeah it was really really hot , but we survived didn't we .
This was the last part of our training week during seamanship practical and it also was the hardest by far.... it was difficult took alot of work and also it was so hot.... but at last we managed to do it . We also practiced throwing the monkey fist. I failed my first attempt and it bulldozed through the so called ships Hull.
This picture was taken after it was all over and we were so tired and happy .... mostly because we can go back now ..... ahahaha you see we didn't get a full set break because of our seamanship practical but still tho . It was a fun adventure with the classmates . We learned alot of new things that we can practice in the future when we are working . A special thanks to our trainers Sir Sam and Sir Dollah.
veery nice picture aa taken from samsung lama